a World Premiere by Jeff Daniels
OCTOBER 14, 2010 – DECEMBER 18, 2010
Two middle-aged married couples — the Martins and the Porters — stand on the verge of becoming “the best of friends.” A perceived slight over dinner quickly devolves the blossoming relationship into an escalating game of one-upmanship to see which couple can devise a plan that will sever the relationship forever.
Directed by Guy Sanville
”It takes good actors to make bad behavior believable, and Daniels and Sanville are well served by this able foursome.”
– Encore Michigan
”Daniels’ script certainly contains sharp moments of laugh-out-loud humor, and director Guy Sanville knows precisely how to stage them …”
”… Best of Friends certainly succeeded at blasting away my expectations. … Indeed, playwright Jeff Daniels’ new comedy is like putting bugs together in a jar and shaking it up to watch them fight.”
– Rogue Critic
”… Daniels demonstrates an unfailing ear for dialogue that is at once natural-sounding, hilariously clever, and borderline creepy. If we don’t personally know the Martins and the Porters, we know people very much like them.”
– Detroit Theatre Examiner
”Daniels’ quirky dialogue always delights …” -Terry Pow, Jackson Citizen Patriot”If this delightfully witty comedy is any indication of what the season will be like, I am very excited.”
– Chelsea Standard