London. December 1888. 221B Baker Street. The notorious and as-yet undiscovered genius Vincent van Gogh presents the master-sleuth Sherlock Holmes with a most unusual case. Aided by his partner Dr. Watson and his paramour Irene Adler, the trio embarks on a rousing adventure. Join the world’s greatest detective as he dashes forth to solve one of the most audacious crimes of the Victorian era. Contains adult language & content.
Donor Sales begin February 5, 2018
General Sales begin February 19, 2018
FORD FRIDAYS: April 13 & May 11, 2018
Directed by Guy Sanville
- Mark Colson
- Paul Stroili
- Sarab Kamoo
- Tom Whalen
- Rusty Mewha
- Caitlin Cavannaugh
- Set Designer: Bart Bauer
- Properties Designer: Danna Segrest
- Costume Designer: Suzanne Young
- Lighting Designer: Noele Stollmack
- Sound Designer: Brad Phillips
- Stage Manager: Angie Kane